What started as an idea and was backed by a desire to help people with mental health illness express themselves in safe format, grew and continues to grow beyond the capabilities of one person.

It is only natural, since the discussion about mental illness and breaking the stigma around the subject is a concern for so many people all over the world.

You too can join the Mistag Project and here are some ways you can do it:

  1. Are you someone with a mental illness experience? Does  someone in your family or friends have an experience with a mental illness. Connect with us and share your story.
  2. Join the conversation on Mistag Facebook Group.
  3. Share on social media the news about the project and the work that has been done so far.
  4. Volunteer – you may know how to edit videos, do social media management, do graphic design, connect with organisations and institutions in search for support, or any skill that can be useful for developing the project.
  5. Donate. Every and any amount is useful. The donations will be used to keep the project growing. Make new interviews, film and edit the interview videos, create campaigns to raise awareness on social media platforms and more.

One of the most profound experiences…

On the 17th of April I had an interview with Yaelle from My Mistag. This was truly one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. Her professional, yet kind nature made me feel at ease as she lead me through the questions. I feel honoured to use her platform to share my story and my experiences. I hope that it might help someone as much as it has helped me. 
Kind regards 
Alzet / South Africa